Friday, August 10, 2012

How much is too much?

Top Shop (duh?!)

Need Supply Co.

In preparation for summer's exit, I have commenced my FW checklist.  Starting rather from head to toe, but toe to head.  I promised my hubby that I would chill on my shoe purchases, but I am not sure exactly what scaling back is.  Every season I make my purchases and tell myself; "This is the shoe/boot/sandal/jacket/coat/etc I will rock all season!! Super hard!"  Sadly this is never the case.  I swear its like the minute you buy the white iridescent low heeled bootie, exactly 2 months from the purchase date, you find online (while conducting your daily research) the same dag-gone bootie, but this time with a fringed toe or black sole instead of natural.  Then the internal battle ensues!!  I have already purchased 1 of the 4 booties listed.  Can you guess which one?  I think I may add, but just 1 more.  Any suggestions?

*side bar* these is just the list of booties.  i have yet to find my pool of tall/mid calf boots.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012